One out of every two marriages end in divorce. Divorce is complicated and emotionally draining and many people find that competent representation is necessary to fashion a workable divorce settlement for themselves and their family.
Typically, divorce attorneys charge an hourly rate for the work they do on behalf of their clients. During the initial consultation, an attorney should be clear about this fee structure, which is usually billed in increments of 10 minutes, and they will often require the parties to put up a “retainer,” which will be credited to their legal fees as they work on the case. In a highly contentious divorce, where the parties are unwilling to compromise, it is not unusual for the legal fees to reach thousands of dollars per month and sometimes last for months or even years.
A good New York Divorce Attorney will focus on the financial aspect of divorce. This includes separating the spouses’ assets and debt and setting the terms for child custody, visitation, and support. The attorney will also prepare detailed paperwork for submission to the court and serve as a neutral intermediary or go-between between warring exes when communication is impossible.
When interviewing a potential NY Divorce Lawyer, be sure to ask about their experience in cases involving child custody, complex property issues, spousal support, and large financial settlements. An experienced attorney will be able to guide you through the process efficiently and effectively.
In a contested divorce, a judge will need a lot of detail regarding the parties’ finances to decide the issues at hand. This will require the couple to attend numerous Supreme Court hearings to discuss such items as equitable distribution of assets, alimony, and child support. In a contested divorce, each party’s attorney will often prepare detailed financial statements for the court that must be submitted at the time of the hearing. A good NY Divorce Attorney will be able to help their clients avoid costly discovery and litigation expenses by helping them to minimize the amount of information they are required to disclose in court.
Lastly, it is a good idea to make sure that the NY Divorce Attorney you hire is familiar with local judges and their family-law preferences. This can be helpful in shaping the attorney’s strategy and negotiating tactics in negotiations with the other party’s attorney. It can also be useful for determining the likely outcome of a trial. A good attorney will have a well-established track record in family law and can point to previous successful outcomes in similar cases. Ideally, an attorney will have also served on family-law committees or addressed bar associations on these topics. This will demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in the area. Often, this can be a great benefit to the client. By taking the time to interview a few NY Divorce Attorneys, you should be able to choose the best candidate to handle your divorce. This will ensure that your interests are being protected.